Can I track my order online?
Yes! You can view your entire order history and order status by clicking "My Account" and signing in. Performing a search for specific dates or order numbers will return a list of all applicable orders with statuses and tracking information. You can also view/print an order and click on the tracking number to track your shipment!
Learn more about what your order status means.
You should also receive a shipment confirmation email when your order ships. This email will contain tracking information so that you can track your order via the appropriate shipping carrier.
Of course, you can also check the current status of your order by contacting us online via our Contact Us Form. If you'd prefer to chat via phone, please give us a call at Night Owl Paper Goods. Please share your order number for fastest service.
- How much does it cost to ship to my country?
- Can you ship to my country?
- What's the best way to contact you?
- What is the turnaround time for a custom or personalized order?
- Can you ship my envelopes to me before the cards arrive?
- Do you offer mailing services?
- How do I check my order status?
- Can I track my order online?
- When will my non-custom item ship?
- What if the topic I need isn't listed here?
- Do wood cards have any special mailing instructions?
- Will my custom wood postcards have the standard address lines and stamp square on the back?
- What does my order status mean?
- Do you ship internationally?
- When will my personalized Holiday Card order ship?
- What are your local pickup hours?
- When will my custom or personalized order ship?
Contact us via email or dial us at 205-868-1619.